Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Florina Technology (www.florina.co.id)

The secret preservation process

Thanks to our very advanced technical process, botanicals get a fresh, natural and lasting aspect. It is the principle of stabilisation.

1) in order to get a satisfactory result, branches, leaves and flowers are harvested at their best beautiful lifecycle, then selected and prepared in bunches (for foliage only) for the stabilisation room.

2) in the stabilisation room a microclimate is recreated : there must be the right balance between humidity, heating and light, that are therefore constantly checked;

3) plants are placed in special long trays where a liquid mixture flows; this liquid is made with FLORINA special chemicals, water and controlled environment;

4) during this process, the plants's evaporates and is replaced by the liquid mixture;

5) after few days from 3 to 7, up to the plants variety and to the season) the liquid has totally replaced the sap;

6) plants are then washed and hung in a drying room for few more days.

7) a new quality control and cleaning takes place before botanicals are packed and ready for sale.

FLORINA uses only one preservation methods, when the flowers, leaves, branches or the plant material still green and alive.

The palm leaves or tree branches are put through a series of preservation steps where they soak up a number of different solutions through a period of time.

During these steps the deterioration process of the plant material slows down and finally comes to a complete stop.

The final result are healthy-looking leaves with a deep, green color. All chemicals used during the preservation process are completely environmentally safe and so will the preserved plant material be.

Do they last for ever?

In theory the preserved leaves and branches should last for ever, but that is very hard to accually prove. FLORINA will simply say that the flowers, leaves and branches will last for a very, very long time. One of the first leafes FLORINA preserved, seven years ago came from a phoenix palm tree and this leaf is still healthy green.

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